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Air sound insulation room

DATE: 2022-09-17 15:56:46

Second, the air sound insulation room design standards and specifications
1. GB/T 6882-2016 "Measurement of sound power level of acoustic noise sources", Precision method of anechoic chamber and semi-anechoic chamber;
2. ISO3745: 2012 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure-Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms, namely ISO 3745 "Acoustics-Determination of sound power level of noise sources-Precision measurement method of anechoic room and semi-anechoic room";
3. JJF 1147 Specification for Calibration ofAcoustic Characteristics ofAnechoic Rooms and Semi-anechoic Rooms;
4. GB/T 18883-2002 Indoor Air Quality Standard;
5. GBT4214.1-2000 Noise Test Methods for Household Appliances and Similar Appliances Part 1;
6. GBJ118-88 Code for Design of Sound Insulation of Civil Buildings;
7. GB3096-2008 Sound Environment Quality Standard;
8. GBT 19889.3-2005 Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation of buildings and building components-Part 3: Laboratory measurement of air sound insulation of building components;
9. GBT 19889.2-2005 Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation of buildings and building components-Part 2: Determination, verification and application of data precision;
10. GBT 19889.1-2005 Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation of buildings and building components-Part 1: Requirements for laboratory test failities with suppressed lateral sound transmission
